Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Google Shadow - Release Day!

Well Folks, after nearly a week to buildup, it's launch day for Google Shadow and it is now available for immediate download;

===> Http://www.ShadowOfGoogle.com <===

I just got off the phone to Chris "X" and to say that he is excited would be an understatement.
4 months in development, testing, re-testing, and tweaking to ensure the product is exactly what the make money online and work from home audience is craving.

And I am going to throw in additional bonuses for anyone who buys through my site Http://www.ShadowOfGoogle.com.

And I'm not talking about ridiculous bonuses you may have seen advertised elsewhere, bonuses worth $1000 or even $2000 that anyone can find for free on the internet.

I am talking about bonuses with real value.

I am going to include the following information for all my loyal readers as follows;

Well hidden website that is a goldmine for getting real-time statistics including the following

  • Full access to Product graphs, stats and ranking histories
  • Bookmark System - manage products you're currently promoting or interested in
  • Custom Search Results (choose what product information you want to see)
  • Insider - a system that recommends high quality converting products
  • Nickname Manager - with 1-click login to this particular online affiliate site
  • Find Products w/ Advanced Search Features
  • Adsense Style Ads for your web site with ad builder
  • And a whole lot more...

Information to gain access to insider launches at the Joint Venture level!
This site alerted "those in the know" about Google Shadow weeks before it was even showing up in the search engine results.
Just think what you could do with this goldmine of information
  • Plan out your affiliate campaigns way ahead of the competition and get into the top search rankings in Google, Yahoo, MSN - Anywhere you like!
  • Get detailed mailouts including pre-market release information, mailshots,articles and much much more get your campain off to a flying start every single time
  • Insider information from the top guns in Internet Marketing, forum access to where they all "hang out" to discuss what will be the next big thing being released to market.
Imagine the edge that this information will give you over your competition!

A great example would be the recent releases that I personally knew about WEEKS before their actual launches, these include;

  • Guru Assassin from Jonny Andrews the creator of the best-selling Money Siphon,

  • FAP Turbo - the Forex Robot that is doubling money on the Foreign Exchange for whoever bought it.
  • Maverick Money Makers the online subscription course that has been in the top three products for the last 4 months straight!
Money can't buy this kind of inside information folks, but it is yours for FREE if you order Google Shadow through my site at Http://www.ShadowOfGoogle.com

Here's to YOUR success,


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Google Shadow - Released Tomorrow!

Well the time has come to close off this pre-launch information fest that I've been feeding you because tomorrow is launch day!

Tomorrow is when it all changes in the world of PPC advertising. Google Shadow will revolutionise the way we bid and choose keywords for many years to come.

Please check my lens over at Http://www.ShadowOfGoogle.com to find out more AND obtain ordering as soon as it goes live tomorow at these times;

12PM (Midday) PST
8PM UK time

See you at the party!


Sunday, 8 February 2009

Google Shadow - 2 days to go

Sorry for the late update guys, but here we go.

I have just added updates and exclusive links to a Google Shadow Video and Interview with the Shadow to my page at Http://www.ShadowOfGoogle.com

There are updates on insider information I have managed to gain access to from one of the guys behind this system and a ton of other updates and useful information.

See you on the other side!


Google Shadow - I Have The Pre-release Copy

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Google Shadow - 3 days to go

Hi guys,

apologies for the lack of update yesterday but I'm about to make up for that in a BIG way!.
After some negotiation with Chris "X", I managed to secure a pre-release copy of Google Shadow!

Yup, you read that right.
On my computer right now I have the toolset that is going to give you the ability for making THOUSANDS from PPC advertising (this goes for Google AdWords, Yahoo Marketing and Microsoft PPC).

After going through the material, I am impressed with the content and the detail of the hows and why PPC marketing work.

But unfortunately I can't say too much just now (I would have DJK's lawyers at my door quicker than you can say "Tim" :))

Head over to my lens http://www.squidoo.com/Google-Shadow-X for more details on what will be the killer product of 2009 and where you can also buy the product once it goes live, times are;

Monday 10th 12PM PST
Monday 10th 3PM EST
Monday 10th 8PM BST

See you on the lens!

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Google Shadow is nearly upon us - 5 DAYS TO GO

FIVE (5) DAYS TO GO.......


Ok so where are we here, why have you come to this page and WHAT is Google Shadow?

First a bit of make money online history, dont worry its just a little bit.

It may sound cliched but I'm more excited about this pending release than ANY release before.
It is coming to you from the masters of Google manipulation DJK.

I'm sure you will have heard of both their previous releases, the original Day Job Killer and the most recent Google Nemesis

If you haven't been aware of either of the above products then WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?
Sorry that slipped out! - My apologies :)

Google Nemesis was the fastest selling clickbank release EVER and has gone on to remain one of the most popular products on clickbank - no easy feat!

Ok so what is Google Shadow then?
Well at the moment, it is one of the closest guarded secrets on the internet as far as the make money online and the work from home market is concerned.

If you google it right now (at time of writing) Google Shadow has about 4 or 5 relevant results with the others coming up as coincidental keyword combinations.

Google Shadow
Ok lets get to the meat of this

Chris "X" and Ken "X" are GENIUSES when it comes to releasing products for making money online and appealing to people wanting to leave their 9-5 rat race job and move towards a comfortable if not scandalously wealthy living (you get out what you put in)

They created and released the following products to help us all achieve a healthier financial stance securing our futures as much as we saw fit. the products were;

Affiliate Project X -

Their 1st product release broke sales records all over the place as the system was proven and sound, and ensured that those who bought into the system would make substantial cash with little or no effort. Other products had promised the same at the time of release, however return rates for the inferior competition sent DJK skyrocketing to the top ranks of Clickbank.

Project Black Mask

Day Job Killer (DJK) - DJK was the make money online product of its time, with no comparable product available that could touch what it was promising. It delivered on its promises and went ahead and helped THOUSANDS of work at home enthusiasts to create a substantial passive income. Whats more is the product was that popular at time of release it sold over 9000 COPIES in its opening week alone. Just think how it could be possible that the product was just hype and no substance. It sure wasn't, it was full of secretive "guru slaying" information that delivered on its promises and let the user carry out a few simple steps, then just watch the money start rolling in and continue rolling in.

Google Assassin

Google Nemesis.- Not long ago, Google Nemesis was released and sold in its thousands. Obviously Team DJK had already built a rep on the internet for not only selling affordable products and systems to make money online, they followed through by consistently releasing products that allowed even the internet market novice to make thousands of dollars in the space of a few weeks.

At this point, a lot more people started to question the validity of these products. Working from home has got to be most peoples idea of their ideal job. Even moreso if they were earning 2x, 3x or even 10x what they were earning in their day to day slog at the office. I know which option I would choose.

And now, Google Shadow;
I can't go into too much detail just now, but please check back every day up until launch date where not only will I be blowing the lid off of how the creator pumps Google for $100k a month by using keywords only.

No Site
No Articles
No Blogs


Check back tomorrow for an update, and I will be updating every day up until launch date where not only will I provide you with FULL information on this fantastic product, but will also post the link where you can buy the product at a reduced price!

In the meantime please check out my lens with more teaser information and details;

Can't say fairer than that can I?

My best wishes to you all, and may you succeed in all you do!

